PRESS RELEASE: Showing Up Welcomes 14th Cohort of Certified Trainers

July 15, 2024 (Oconomowoc, WI) — As of July 2024, Showing Up welcomes 3 new Certified Trainers, Judith Gordon, Kirsten Guill, and Pamela Klier, as leaders of supportive care and connection. These trainers are now certified to speak and facilitate Showing Up programming across and within sectors, communities, and organizations.

Please Welcome:

Judith Gordon

Santa Fe, NM

Why I Show Up: “Life is challenging. As an educator, coach, and former practicing attorney, my mission has been to equip and empower students, professionals and teams with the tools needed to thrive in our high-demand, fast-paced world. Supportive colleagues and communities mean we can thrive even in the most chaotic times.”

Kirsten Guill

Chicago, IL

Why I Show Up: “I Show Up to help build healthy teams who drive positive impact for those they serve. So many have shown up for me; I’d love everyone to feel supported, and empowered to support others, to be able to enable performance and feel good doing it - especially when times are tough.

Pamela Klier

Greater Chicago, IL

Why I Show Up: “I want to reach in so someone who needs comfort also knows they have a community to glean comfort from; because being present for and comforting someone else always makes me feel better; and because I wholeheartedly believe, "It's Up to Us."

Showing Up congratulates its 14th cohort of Certified Trainers and is thrilled to continue working with them to cultivate cultures of supportive care!

Interested in becoming a Showing Up Certified Trainer? Learn more and apply here.

Showing Up LLC is a social good company whose mission is to bridge the gap between those who care and those who feel unseen.

Our training tackles the nuanced space of supportive care: teaching the social-relational skills to support one another in the midst of uncertainty and hardship.

“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.”


PRESS RELEASE: Showing Up Welcomes 15th Cohort of Certified Trainers


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