Inspiring Comfort Certifies Over 50 Trainers and Welcomes Three New CTs

From left: Kelly Shannon (Philadelphia, PA), Eve Dreher (Bend, Oregon), Amy Gagne (Meriden, CT).

March 28, 2022 — Inspiring Comfort announced this week that they have certified over 50 trainers and trained over 10,000 people across the country in how to show up for each other, lead with heart, and create cultures of care.

The 50 trainers include Certified Trainers (CTs), Certified Organizational Trainers (COTs), Project Comfort Facilitators, and Peer Leader Trainers.

The new Certified Trainers include Amy Gagne (Meriden, CT), Eve Dreher (Bend, Oregon), and Kelly Shannon (Philadelphia, PA). After six weeks of in-depth training, these individuals are now certified to become leaders of care by bringing training and programming to workplaces, schools, organizations, and communities.

On Wednesday, the social good company also certified four new Project Comfort Facilitators from Malverne Union Free School District, including three social workers and a teacher across schools in the district. Project Comfort is Inspiring Comfort’s researched-backed youth program, which develops skills of connection for youth in schools, clubs, and more.

Inspiring Comfort looks forward to seeing these individuals bring their knowledge of the skill of comfort into their school districts and communities. Eight new Certified Trainer candidates will soon begin their training today.

Learn more about Inspiring Comfort’s Adult Programming, Youth Programming, and training and certification programs here.


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Inspiring Comfort Announces Team of Certified Facilitators (CST’s) to Teach Comfort Skills Programming